photo by the luv aka maria cabrera
about me: dalila
Here I am -- doing one of my favorite things: eating. My love of eating and good food and good company (why have one without the other?) has brought me many places. Paper hard-earned: BS in Nutritional Science from the University of Arizona (Beardown!), a MA in Food Studies and Food Management from New York University's Steinhardt School of Education, a Baking and Pastry Arts Degree from the Institute of Culinary Education.
And since wellness is where it's at for me, I've also studied and practice Ayurvedic nutrition and wellness and I'm a Bach Flower Essence practitioner.
And meditation! Calm. Wooo-saaa.... I've been practicing Insight Meditation since 2006, am a graduate of the Community Dharma Leaders program through Spirit Rock Meditation Center, and was a Practice Leader at New York Insight Meditation Center. I am currently a Group Mentor for Sounds True's Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program with Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach and their Power of Awareness program. And I also offered one-to-one meditation coaching through the Ten Percent Happier app in its pilot program.
In June 2024, I completed Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist (ADS) training through NADA. I was trained by Dr Rhonda Coleman, DAOM here in Southern Arizona. Watch this wonderful film about the history of NADA to learn more.
I’ve trained with David Elliott through Level 4 for breathwork facilitation.
And then there's the Great Mystery. I believe in the practical magic of ritual and ceremony, readings, listening to trees and the rivers...all the tools that keep me aligned with the goodness of the Universe.
I identify as a Black, queer, non-binary femme and use the pronouns she/her.